
Key Questions:

1. Describe the impact the core learning has had on your Foundations learning journey.

Core learning has provided my learning with the kind of balance that I think I needed coming into something that was so foreign to me. It has allowed me to use tools to push myself when I felt like I didn't want to, or couldn't quite get a concept.

2. What are 1 - 3 new things you have learned about yourself as a result of the core learning?

1. I am a great listener. 2. I am capable of everything, even those things I haven't figured out yet 3. I struggle with keeping to time if I feel like something isn't up to my standard.

3. What has surprised you the most about the core learning?

The thing that surprised me the most is that working with others was actually quite nice.

4.What was the most challenging aspects of the core learning?

Core learning modules are usually done after the technical modules in a sprint. Quite often I found myself quickly trying to rush the core component. This sprint is a little different, but generally I struggled to ensure that the core component was not rushed.

5.Any thoughts you want to share about your core learning journey in Foundations?

Yes. It was enjoyable having core as a refreshing change of pace after the technical part of the sprint.